▼ 立面分析圖,Elevation analysis ©上海平介建筑設計事務所
▼ 建筑立面與環(huán)境,Building and environment ©徐英達,黃迪
▼ 節(jié)奏,Rhythm ©徐英達,黃迪
▼ 立面圖 b,Elevationb ©上海平介建筑設計事務所
▼ 建筑背面,Back of the building ©徐英達,黃迪
Window isone of the most important topics in the whole design: the intersection of architecture, internal space and external environment on this element determines the shape, spirit and function distribution of the building to a large extent. We hope when visitors enter the room, they can see and feel the natural scenery immediately.
▼ 天窗、景窗,肆意涌入房間的景致,Skylights, windows, the scenery pouring into the room wantonly ©徐英達,黃迪
The position, size, and orientation of the windows depend on the scenery in front of them. Each window is a viewfinder, which brings the mountains, water and sky into the room to the greatest extent, and we call this strategy “follow the nature”.
▼ 景窗,“順其自然”,Windows and scenery, “follow the nature” ©上海平介建筑設計事務所
▼ 客房一角,Corner ©徐英達,黃迪
On the one hand, the design is constantly emphasizing the importance of the element "window", and on the other hand, we hope to reduce its presence as much as possible. We even hope that the "window" itself (window frame, glass, seam) is not perceived. Therefore, in terms of detail design, we try our best to weaken the window frame and seam by making use of the structural occlusion, curtains, platforms and other elements, so that it "doesn't exist".
▼ 沒有窗的空間,A space without window ©徐英達,黃迪
▼ 天窗,Skylight ©徐英達,黃迪