△The entrance gives the feeling is about hazy of experience to the customer, but its thorough the life by faint, the simple and pure surface and the shadow of lighting to create a new spacial relationship by the layer by layer iterative, it shows the vitality of nature and deeply to guide human to explore
Searching In The Fog
The space chooses a blue of hazy and mystery with a not clear attitude, such as a lighting in the mysterious dimension. Remove the fog to touch the light, you can see the space will come up with a layer by the sense of life exploration, you will curious about what is the background story and the purpose happen it in the space, when you walk into the lobby.
Belong the track of the design flow, you can slowly go deep into the central area, the purpose of space was gradually to be revealed, seems like the fog of light during the forest, you find a layer of misty that you have pulled it out to looking for the real features of the things.
△ It's full of fog with lighting keep to changing during the pure space that to create the infinite illusion space to break up the real viewing focus point for the people, seems like walking into a fantastic journey.
The ceiling mounted with mirror expand the line coincide in the space to mingle with virtual and real space, because that the wall has vitality multiple reflection. In addition, the mirror on the ceiling to break up the obstacle of visual that to create a penetration, reflection and extension space. The connection between the mirror and wall opening the feeling of depth to make interleaving and undertaking during the space.