自由實(shí)用主義Freedom & Pragmatism
Living spacesusually emphasize practicality, andmanypeople think that practicality is about configuringas manyfunctional and storage spaces as possible.For thisapartment with merely 2occupants, AD ARCHITURE regarded practicality as a high frequency of use of every square meter of the space.
In general homes, the walk-in closet is relatively private and is integrated with the bedroom into a whole. However, this project breaks with the convention. Thewardrobe is set behind the TV backdrop wall which is separated from the ceiling, together enriching the layering of the space via architectural languages and forming a pragmatic functional area. In this way, AD ARCHITECTURE created a central walk-in closet, which can be shared by the family members and also adds freedom and playfulness to the overall space. This design is an innovative exploration of the layout of residences.